Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Legend Of BlindMaster...continues

Adil is a former combat, weapons, and military police, who works as a uniformed guard for High Threat Protection security services; while Adila is a former field surgeon and medic for the Unites States Army, and currently a research scientist for Restorative Technology.  High Threat is a very productive security agency with clients in Russia, England, Spain, France, Italy, and Greece.  Undoubtedly, HTP is working closely with Restorative Technology to develop an exoskeleton for combat troops as well as an armour for field medics that is powered by a special femto-chip.  As a result of this collaboration, the scientist at Restorative Technology create an integrated circuit that surpasses the nano technology, called the femto-chip.  It replicates like hundreds of DNA cells in femto-seconds by analyzing and combining molecularly with the wearer of the exoskeleton.  Allowing only that wearer to ever wear it, give it commands, and control the exoskeleton.  In addition to developing combat technology, Restorative Technology has developed highly advanced medical devices for combat, military, and commercial use that has revolutionized medicine.  Unbeknownst to Adil and Adila, they are being used as sacrificial pieces in HTP’s move to manipulate economies and governments in the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.  While Adila is ironing out the wrinkles in Restorative’s femto-chip, Adil is searching HTP’s databases for a mystery person, BlindMaster, whose thoughts continue to invade their conscious.  Malik Muhammad, a.k.a. BlindMaster, knows what is happening to Adil and Adila; he also knows that they are two good friends that he has not yet met.  When BlindMaster hears about the dinner at HTP headquarters, his mind’s eye tells him that Adil and Adila might lose their lives because the exoskeletons are still questionable, so he takes to the L.A. night to assist his future best friends who don’t know that all their thoughts and actions are being viewed by his mind’s eye.  Consequently, Restorative and HTP are only a strong deposit, with no inclusion, in an international fill of corporate executives that leads BlindMaster and the Twins to the cause of corrupt corporations, demons, and deadly situations that brings out of hiding lame white-collar deadbeats, old street hustlers, and retired demons who see opportunities to settle old beef from times when they did not want to or were forced to retire or lay low.