Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Al-Khaf (The Cave)

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the most Merciful.

I thank Allah for Moses and the Torah; Jesus and the Gospel; and Muhammad and the Qur’an.  I cannot thank Allah enough for coming in the person of Master Wallace Fard Muhammad, to whom praise is forever due.  I thank Allah for raising up in our midst, our saviour and Christ, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  I thank Allah and his messenger for leaving us a holy comforter, for without him, I would not be here today.  The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.  It is in there holy names that I greet you in words of peace and paradise.  We say in the Arabic language--- As-Salaam-Alaikum!

Watching the news one can see there are a great number of events occurring that show humanity the present direction we are on.  I want to wish brother Nelson Mandela and his family well in his final homegoing.  To the young ladies in Ohio whom were found after they were abducted, and held captive for 10 years, we are glad that you all are home now.  We love you all.

To the families of the nineteen firefighters that lost their lives battling the fire in Colorado.  We send our deepest sympathies. 

In the Qur’an, Mary gave birth under a fig tree to her newborn baby, Jesus.  She placed the baby Jesus in a cradle, under that same fig tree.  The parable goes on to say that Jesus ate from the tree, and spoke wisdom to the men from the cradle.  Not only did he speak wisdom to men from the cradle; he spoke it from the cradle to the grave, and even beyond that.

We have arrived at a time in history for humanity, where we have evened out on thousands of years of learning and discoveries.  The area of water is 139,685,000 square miles; the area of land is 57,255,000 square miles; the total area of land and water of the entire planet earth is 196,940,000 square miles.  There are still things in and parts of the depths of the ocean that we don’t understand or know about.  Still parts of the land that we don’t know about or understand.   Master Fard Muhammad, in the Problem book, said that Mars contains life.  We have not even figured out how to eliminate poverty, suffering, and needless death, so how can scientist land a rover on Mars and begin to comprehend anything about this planet?  Jesus was the burden bearer that represented the best of humanity, and all things that surrounded him.  The tree is a form of cover that we seek shelter and protection under.  We seek shelter and protection under that which is strong, properly flourishing, beautiful looking, over and long reaching, but most importantly, deeply rooted in all that surrounds us.  The stronger the trunk, the deeper the roots.  When we are properly rooted in god, we are properly rooted in Jesus, then will we be better rooted towards perfection.  How the tree is rooted determines the type of figs it bears.  There are sexual assaults taking place in the military on female soldiers.  Out of love and duty for their country, and a love for the men in their lives they joined a branch of the armed forces entrusting the very essence of who they are to their commanding officer.  When the commanding officer, the tree of refuge, betrays that trust because he, in his moment of weakness cannot control his sexual desires for his subordinates uses his authority over her to try and force himself on her sexually then the to her the entire military has betrayed her.  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, stated on the news to Andrea Mitchell, “When you enter the military, you may expect to lose a limb. You may expect to even lose your life. But no one should be expecting to be assaulted or raped by one of their colleagues.” Your colleagues are supposed to motivate you, to make you a better soldier, a better woman, a better human being.  The commanding officer is the tree that covers you, and as you eat of the commanding officers figs, the training and nurturing, you become a perfected fig; ripe for battle, ripe for civilian and military life, ripe to become a tree yourself for others to seek cover under. 

Mary gave birth to Jesus and placed him in the cradle where he ate and spoke wisdom to the men of his time.  Ripe means, “ready” or “perfect state”, but something can be “overripe” or “past a state of perfection”.  Jesus ate figs at precisely the moment in time that they were in their perfected state.  Jesus in the cradle, under the cover of perfection was nourished by the perfected figs which made him, not a replica, but a perfect embodiment of that which he took refuge; the tree of God.  If perfection was going into him then the excrement of wisdom that came out of him was perfect.  To all women whom have served in the armed forces; to single working mothers, and mothers in general who were or are under some authority that you have trusted or are currently entrusting your essence too, you have bore children like James Holmes, Adam Lamza, Mckenzie Cowell, and her attacker.  You and their fathers are the authority that they are under, and I must ask, did you know the exact moment the figs were ripe, and did you tamper with god’s intended nourishment?  Did you give them a fig that was over ripe or under ripe when you should have given them one that was perfectly ripe?  If you want perfection out of them then you must feed and nourish them with perfection. In Surah 18; ayat 18 it says:

 And thou mightest think them awake while they were asleep, and We turned them about to the right and to the left, with their dog outstretching its paws at the entrance. If thou didst look at them, thou wouldst turn back from them in flight, and thou wouldst be filled with awe because of them.


Sen. Ayotte is working on passing a bill on gun control.  She spoke at a town hall meeting telling the people of Sandy Hook exactly what was happening, exactly what she was doing, and why it was taking so long for the bill to pass.  She told them what points were being debated and why she felt they needed to be debated or modified.  In a time of crisis like Sandy Hook, Sen. Ayotte is a politician for the people, by the people, whom is accountable to the people she represents.  How do you write mental health background checks into legislation when some mental health people have no record of mental health?  Adam Lanza obtained access to the guns he used through his mother whom had no mental health background.  How do you write that into legislation as to prevent sick individuals from obtaining weapons to hurt others and themselves?  To white folks:  Your children are not slave masters trying to manage a plantation.  They are not out to demean another human being because they feel that they are superior.  They are not trying to perpetuate William Lynch and his methods.  To blacks:  Our children are not digging ditches or clearing the ways for railroad tracks.  They are not digging up tree stumps, sharecropping, or going to the butcher for the day’s meat.  They are in the barbershops and beauty salons grooming themselves, discussing everyday politics of the community, state, and nation.  They are in the clubs at night after doing business in the “streets” all day, relaxing, socializing over an alcoholic beverage and a blunt.  White or black, our children are trying to become masters of themselves, so that they can resourcefully manage corporations like Lehman brothers, and other businesses in the community.  Offer effective solutions to a down economy, unemployment rate, gun control, sexual assault in our armed services, medical, and other technological advancements, staying effective solutions in our everyday actions.

1 comment:

  1. This is an inspirational message that I plan on using to enter into one of the categories of the Writer's Digest writing contest should I not win this year.
